We at Faith United Methodist Church are children of God and claim our Methodist roots with joy and thanksgiving.
We are called to love God and love and our neighbor, recognizing that our neighbors are all who touch us an all whom we touch. We acknowledge our interdependence with God, one another, and God's entire creation.We are called to be faithful witnesses to Jesus Christ and to respond to the world through Christ. We are called to represent Christ and to live according to the gospel in all areas of our lives.
Our mission
Mission Statement: Faith UMC is a diverse, open, and loving community. Reaching out with faith, hope and love – making disciples for Jesus Christ.

meet our
Rev. John L. Wood

Are you hungry?
Are you, or someone you know,
facing hardship and need food?
Call our food pantry... 718-273-9666
Tuesday-Prayer Line:
7:30-8:30 pm
Wednesday-Choir Rehearsal: 7:30-8:30 pm
Thursday-Bible Study:
7-8 pm
Summer Hours:
Sunday Service @10 am
Winter Hours:
Sunday Service @11am
View our worship service via one of the following options:
In person or on Zoom.
Or Join By:
Meeting ID: 968 2360 1002
Passcode: 006814